Friday, March 4, 2016

3 Step Super Easy DIY Coconut Oil Lotion

This stuff is amazing! I use it nightly on my once cracked, dry feet and they have never been so healthy!! This will take about 10 minutes, so there's no reason not to do it!
Gather supplies: 1 glass jar I use These, coconut oil ( this is the kind that's semi soild and melts at 76°) a fork and essential oils(optional)
Simply scoop oil into the jar to measure out how much you need
Then I use a fork to whip it in a coffee mug and add some oils, you could use a mixer and save time if you have one. If it seems runny pop it in the freezer for about 5 minutes and give it a whip and it should be all set!

This stuff is amazing on dry skin and I have a friend who has psoriasis she swears it's been helping! 

Any questions or please comment!

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