Thursday, March 17, 2016

Essential Oil Blends For Soap, Lotion, Candles etc.

I have always loved candle making! It's fun and not too expensive, plus the customizing is endless from scents to containers and color. I also love essential oils and wanted to mix things up by blending essential oils to make unique smelling candles and lotions and anything really.
I searched the Internet and most sites say just experiment and find something you like but I wanted some recipes, so I had to experiment on my own to figure it out, so why not share my new information!
Obviously everyone's preference with smells is different but I find even people sensitive to smells like all citrus essential oils and mint also!

So here are my tested blends:

- 2 drops of lemon for every 1 drop of spearmint.
- Equal parts: lemon, orange, lime, grapefruit.
- Equal parts orange and wintergreen
- Equal parts lavender, geranium and jasmine
- Equal parts lavender, orange, and spearmint
- 3 drops orange to every one drop Clove or cinnamon (orange spice)

Will update as I find new blends.

Amounts of oils are based on what your making, size wise so for my 4oz candle I probably put about 10 to 15 drops of oil for a strong scent to give you an idea. For normal bar of soap like 6 drops, and 4 oz lotion 10 to 15 drops. Adjust to your preference.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My Etsy Shop

I just opened an Etsy shop, I'm only currently selling wax melts ( wax tarts or whatever you call them). I make them to order so they are customizable! Made from soy wax and essential oils with tons of scent options!! I know I feel better knowing I'm not dumping a bunch if chemicals into the air me and my family breath! Feel free to check it out please! I only charge $1 (+ shipping) a tart and they are pretty big!

Friday, March 4, 2016

3 Step Super Easy DIY Coconut Oil Lotion

This stuff is amazing! I use it nightly on my once cracked, dry feet and they have never been so healthy!! This will take about 10 minutes, so there's no reason not to do it!
Gather supplies: 1 glass jar I use These, coconut oil ( this is the kind that's semi soild and melts at 76°) a fork and essential oils(optional)
Simply scoop oil into the jar to measure out how much you need
Then I use a fork to whip it in a coffee mug and add some oils, you could use a mixer and save time if you have one. If it seems runny pop it in the freezer for about 5 minutes and give it a whip and it should be all set!

This stuff is amazing on dry skin and I have a friend who has psoriasis she swears it's been helping! 

Any questions or please comment!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Top 5 Super Cheap Useful Items From Amazon

1.) These sandwich containers 20 for 5.99!!!

2.) These 4oz jars perfect for homemade candles or coconut oil lotion! $1.90 with free shipping!

3.) These 30 (yes 30!) Generic version of magic erasers for $4 + $1 shipping.

4.) This super cute smallish brown bear hamper for under $3 free shipping!

5.) This cool skull mask for cold weather covers most of face, even my boyfriend with a large head. $3

BONUS.) This 11 function survival tool, has a can opener and knife that make it worth the $1.59 and free shipping!